On 10 and 11 September, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, will attend the sixth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM Summit) in Helsinki, at invitation of the Finnish Prime Minister, Matti Vanhanen.
The meeting will be attended by twenty-five EU members, the European Commission, 10 ASEAN members, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.
Simultaneously with the summit meeting, a meeting of foreign ministers of ASEM member states will take place which will be attended by the Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel.
Against the backdrop of the summit, the Prime Minister Janez Janša is expected to meet the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, Wen Jiabao, and the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong.
Program for Sunday, 10 September 2006
(local time) Arrival of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the delegation at Helsinki – Vantaa airport
Arrival of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the delegation in front of the Helsinki Fair Centre trade fair and congress venue
Official welcome for heads of delegations
Venue: Helsinki Fair Centre, Winter Garden
14.00 – 14.45
Opening ceremony – "Celebration of 10 years of ASEM"
Venue: Helsinki Fair Center, Amfi Hall
• Opening address by the President of the Republic of Finland
• Speech by the Prime Minister of Finland (Summit Chairman)
• Speech by the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (former Chairman)
• Speech by the Predsident of South Korea (coordinator/Asia)
• Speech by the Predsident of the European Commission (coordinator/Europe)
• Speech by the Predsident of Indonesia (coordinator/Asia)
15.00 – 15.15
Group photo (immediately after the opening ceremony)
15.30 – 15.35
Photo opportunity for media representatives
15.30 – 17.00
(pool E3)
First closed session for the heads of delegation, (first pillar)
''Strengthening multilateralism and addressing security threats''
Venue: Helsinki Fair Centre, Plenary room 101
17.00 – 17.30
Reception for heads of delegation and leading Asian and European business representatives (ASBF)
Venue: Helsinki Fair Centre,Winter Garden
Dinner for heads of delegation hosted by the President of the Republic of Finland, Tarja Halonen
Venue: Presidential Palace
Dinner for deputy heads of delegation, hosted by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland, Erkki Tuomioja
Venue: Government Banqut Hall