At a press conference before going on holiday the Primer Minister Janez Janša stressed that the government's greatest achievement was Slovenia's entering the Eurozone. Slovenia has been accepted in the European Monetary Union as the first and so far the only new EU member state, and will introduce the common currency on 1 January 2007.
PHOTO: Office of the Prime Minister
Other significant achievements in the first half of 2006 include economic growth, which is continuing, low inflation, which is within the Maastricht criteria, and the lowest unemployment figures since 1991. Also, an important constitutional amendment which facilitates the establishment of regions has been adopted, and the first elections to regional political bodies could take place before the end of this government’s term of office. ''We have also managed to establish a Partnership for Development, which provides a broader political basis and greater opportunities to achieve a wider political consensus regarding the major reform measures which await Slovenia in the next few years. During this time we have also managed to further earn international recognition,'' said the PM.
"At this moment, the Republic of Slovenia has a solid domestic and international political situation, unlike any time before," asserted the PM.
PHOTO: Office of the Prime Minister
With regard to foreign affairs, the first half of 2006 saw the realisation of planned visits to the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the Federal Republic of Germany, while Slovenia hosted the President of the European Commission. "In this way, Slovenia has begun strategic preparations for the EU presidency. We have also resolved a number of open bilateral issues, created conditions for improved cooperation, particularly in the business area with our major trading partners, and laid the foundations for the new tasks and responsibilities Slovenia is to be entrusted with in the coming years," the Prime Minister said.
As to preparations for the EU presidency, Slovenia began all the procedures in time. By the end of 2006, the first stage, pertaining mainly to enhancing our capacities and drafting the programme, will have been concluded. At the beginning of 2007, Slovenia will focus on the most relevant open issues in other member states, and in the EU as a whole. It is thorough understanding of other's problems and the problems in the EU family that is the prerequisite for successful work during the presidency.