Prime Minister with US Vice President Dick Cheney (PHOTO: BOBO)
The Prime Minister first of all met with Vice President Dick Cheney. Their talks were of a political nature, as were those held subsequently by Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Tom Harkin, a Democratic Senator of Slovene descent. According to the Prime Minister, the majority of time was devoted to the situation in the Balkans, with the US and Slovenia's views regarding unresolved issues in the region being very similar.
The talks with Vice President Cheney also focused on the need for a concerted energy policy between the US and the EU as well as on the need to adopt a common EU energy policy. Prime Minister Janša said that Mr Cheney and a number of congressmen were informed of the Bled Strategic Forum organised by Slovenia this year with emphasis on the "Caspian Outlook". The Forum will be attended by a number of distinguished international politicians, businessmen and experts on strategic energy issues. "This Forum has generated profound interest and great expectations," said the Prime Minister. The Forum will enable an exchange of opinions and ideas on the provision of energy sources in Europe from the Caspian pool.
Prime Minister met Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (PHOTO: BOBO)
There was a great deal of interest in the Slovene evaluation of the situation in Serbia, the issue of the future status of Kosovo, and the implications of Montenegro’s decision on independence. "Everyone has said that our opinion is held in high esteem because we know the circumstances there and have been willing to assume responsibility for the settling of affairs. Slovenia is very much committed and next year, when we deploy an entire battalion of the Slovenian Armed Forces in Kosovo, we shall move considerably higher on the list of those contributing real forces and funds. This is another aspect in favour of our credibility," said the Prime Minister.
The talks with Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert were attended by other congressmen. Prime Minister Janša said that praise was heard relative to the International Trust Fund for Demining and Victims Assistance (ITF) as well as institutions established by Slovenia to assist in opening up Euro-Atlantic prospects to the countries of the Western Balkans.
Prime Minister with Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (PHOTO: BOBO)
The discussions with senators and congressmen also touched on areas of conflict elsewhere in the world and on operations in which both Slovenia and the US are involved within NATO. The issue of Sudan also came up.
Prime Minister Janša stressed that the talks held at the US Chamber of Commerce were dedicated to the strengthening of economic co-operation between the two countries, an area where there is still room for improvement. The Slovenian delegation presented opportunities in Slovenia, linked to the geo-strategic position of the country and providing a good base of operations for business in the EU and the Balkans. The meeting was attended by representatives of those companies already investing in Slovenia or still looking for opportunities, such as Goodyear and Harrah’s, and of other companies viewing Slovenia more as a springboard for their business operations in the region.
After the talks Prime Minister Janša indicated that many words of praise were heard about Slovenia’s entering the Euro-zone, which makes the country even more attractive for business. The US counterparts were very much interested in the forthcoming reforms in Slovenia. Mr Janša revealed that after he had outlined the reforms to President Bush on Monday, Bush said: "When you finish the work at home, do come over and give us a hand, too."
Prime Minister met Senator Tom Harkin (PHOTO: BOBO)
Finally, the Prime Minister met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. For the most part, they discussed issues related to the situation in the Balkans. Ms Rice was very much interested in the Prime Minister's views regarding the situation in Serbia and Kosovo. "We concurred in our opinion that Serbia had to go on with democratic reform and strengthen co-operation with the International Court of Justice but that the door must be kept open for its Euro-Atlantic links. This must be an incentive, and we were pleased with this opinion since this is a key issue for the stabilisation of the entire region," said the Prime Minister. The US also supports the negotiations on the future status, currently underway in Vienna.
Prime Minister at meeting with representatives of US Chamber of Commerce (PHOTO: BOBO)
"They agree with us that the solution must bring greater stability, and not instability, to the region. We also share the opinion that the solution will have to be reached through negotiation," said the Prime Minister. He then went on to add that no simple decisions would be arrived at regarding the status of Kosovo and that therefore encouragement was needed in this connection. "The US has great moral authority on account of past developments and support in this part of the world, in particular in Kosovo. We believe that with their support we shall find a solution that will ultimately be recognised by both sides," concluded the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister for Washington Post