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Government of the RS



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National Assembly

Prime Minister Janez Janša presents nominations for two Cabinet Ministers

As the 25th session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia continues, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, has presented his nominations of Dr Žiga Turk for the post of Minister without Portfolio responsible for coordinating and overseeing the implementation of Slovenia's Development Strategy, and of Iztok Jarc for the post of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.

(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)

Expanding on his nomination for the new agriculture minister, the PM stressed the wide experience of the candidate in the relevant field, both with regard to the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and Slovenian agriculture in general. He also emphasised some of the major tasks of the agriculture minister, particularly during Slovenia's EU presidency, when this job will be one of the most demanding. The first and foremost task will be to implement the rather arduous and comprehensive government programme. The PM expects that in drafting legislation, the new minister will continue the dialogue with all social partners. More emphasis should be placed on increasing economic competitiveness, and the recognition and promotion of the agricultural sector. According to Mr Janša, another important task will be implementing direct payment reforms.

In explaining his proposal for the Minister without Portfolio responsible for implementing Slovenia's Development Strategy, the PM explained that a minister needs to be appointed to coordinate Slovenia's Development Strategy, with special emphasis on coordinating projects in the Resolution on National Development for the period 2007-2023.  At the same time, appointing a minister provides the new energy needed after approving this Resolution – just as the EU needed new energy for the amended Lisbon Strategy. Mr Janša stressed the importance of the flow of information between the business sector and academia in Slovenia and in Europe. Because of the political coordination of the Lisbon objectives and the new Lisbon Strategy the head of the Office for Growth needs to be someone who stands for the development breakthroughs of a knowledge-based economy. According to Mr Janša, improved and seamless collaboration on the science/technological development/entrepreneurship axis is the only way to ensure sustainable economic growth and consequently the sustainable implementation of social reforms.

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