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Office of the Prime Minister

Gregorčičeva 20, 25

1000 Ljubljana


+386 1 478 1000

+386 1 478 1140







Government of the RS



President of the Republic

National Assembly

On the initiative of the PM the National Assembly relieved of duty the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs

On the initiative of the Prime Minister, Janez Janša, the National Assembly has relieved of duty - with 59 votes for and 7 votes against - the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. Until a new minister is named, the ministry will be run by the Minister of the Economy, Andrej Vizjak.


(Photo: BOBO/Kristina Kosec)

Last week the PM suggested that Minister Drobnič step down due to his failure to achieve expected results. The Minister did not agree and rejected the resignation. Consequently, the PM sent a proposal to the President of the National Assembly, France Cukjati, proposing that the National Assembly relieve Mr Drobnič of duty.

At the beginning of today's session the PM presented his arguments to MPs. He stressed that the Ministry was being managed unsatisfactorily, there were unnecessary conflicts when engaging in social dialogue, and the Minister had intervened in the work of other ministries.

"It is my constitutional duty to propose his resignation, also in view of the fact that the ministers and those who nominated him did not respect the principle of legitimacy, based on our law and the principle of double consensus," emphasised the PM.

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