23. 8. 2013

Prime Minister at the international investment conference "Energy for the Future": "Regional cooperation is the engine of progress involving all stakeholders."

Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

Following a trilateral meeting in Graz, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Alenka Bratušek, today attended the international investment conference "Energy for the Future" in Lendava. At the conference, Ms Bratušek stressed that regional integration and cooperation were the engine of progress, bringing together different countries, strengthening ties between them, and creating an important added value in kick-starting the economy and creating new jobs.


The Prime Minister stated that the conference, as today’s trilateral meeting, was a step towards constructive dialogue which increases the region’s competitiveness and improves economic and living conditions in the region. In the times of crisis, it also instils optimism in areas in which, on account of unnecessary concerns, things sometimes reach stalemate and no progress is made, although it could be, given the creative potential and conditions.  Through the fostering of friendly relations, countries often achieve more balanced development and contribute to stability in the region. By doing so, all stakeholder countries also increase their prosperity.


At the close of her address, Ms Bratušek highlighted the importance of the Prekmurje region, which, thanks to its geographical position, is an excellent stepping stone to the markets of Central and South-East Europe. "The region offers a number of business and investment opportunities – on the one hand, companies in this area want to enter the markets of Central and South-East Europe, while on the other, there are companies that want to forge links with companies in the region," said the Prime Minister. She outlined to conference participants and guests a number of examples of good entrepreneurial practice in Slovenia which could be of interest to both Slovenian and foreign investors.