16. 4. 2013

Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek after the meeting with businessmen: "By encouraging the economic development, Slovenia may again become a success story"

Photo: Nebojša Tejić, STA


The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Alenka Bratušek, today met with members of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, members of the Manager's Association of Slovenia and representatives of the Association of Employers of Slovenia. The meeting was also attended by Stanko Stepišnik, Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Dejan Židan, Minister of Agriculture and the Environment, and State Secretaries Jernej Pavlič and Gašpar Gašpar Mišič.


In her statement after the meeting, Prime Minister said: "Should Slovenia be a country where it will be enjoyable to live, we have to have a strong and prosperous economy. If we create enough, we can also share enough, and not vice versa. Presently, our economy requires special attention." She added that the main priority of the Government is rehabilitation of the banking system; however, this should go hand in hand with measures to help over-indebted companies. She explained that the Government has also proposed the establishment of a Development Council, whose management will be entrusted to the economy.


"Slovenia has already once been a success story. By respecting its citizens and promoting economic development, it may once again become one," added Prime Minister at the end of her statement for the media.