29. 8. 2013

Prime Minister at the "Happy Birthday, Mr Pahor!" celebration: "You have shown us that there is a dignity in being a Slovenian"

Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Ms Alenka Bratušek, this evening attended the "Happy Birthday, Mr Pahor!" ceremony at the Slovenian Permanent Theatre in Trieste marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Slovenian writer. As the speaker of honour, she highlighted that the jubilarian has lived in one of the most turbulent centuries in the history of mankind, but despite all the rises and falls of national and multinational states and births and deaths of ideas, regimes, friends and enemies, he has managed to maintain an attitude that could serve as an example to us all in finding the ways to deal with our everyday lives and moral dilemmas.


"You are teaching us that standing at the intersection of cultures can bring out the best in people, their attention and tolerance, their understanding and effort to understand others, or it can bring out the worst in them," said Prime Minister Bratušek in her address to the humanist and writer Boris Pahor, adding that he has shown us there is a dignity in being a Slovenian.