Photo: Government Communication Office

Matija Sevšek was born on 3 March 1978 in Ljubljana. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana in 2003. During studies, he pursued additional education at IESEG School of Management and at Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna. In 2004, he passed relevant exams in Management and Organisation post-graduate programme (MScbA) – subject Finance, at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. Within the post-graduate programme framework, he actively participated as an author of several specialised articles in two business conferences.


Already during his graduate studies, Matija Sevšek actively joined the labour market. He acquired his first professional experiences in his family business where he was responsible for communication with business partners and development of new products. He continued his professional career in the analysis division of the brokerage firm Ilirika. After obtaining his Master's degree, he became expert associate for the subject Organisation of companies at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. In 2005, he took up a job with Pristop Skupina, Communication Company Management d.o.o. as a project manager. In 2008, he started his career in the state administration as a secretary at the Minister's office of the Ministry of the Interior. In 2012, he became expert associate in the National Assembly Deputy group.


He actively speaks English, Croatian and Serbian, and has passive knowledge of German.  


He is married and father of two children.