Prime Minister's statement before the continuation of the European Council meeting: Slovenia is among the countries with the greatest potential for growth and can thrive again
"Having taken the steps to exit the crisis last year, Slovenia is among the countries with the greatest potential for growth in the years to come," said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Janez Janša, before the continuation of the European Council meeting. Slovenia made considerable progress in fiscal consolidation and structural reforms, which, in his assessment, enables it to thrive again. But the value added in labour productivity in certain areas, particularly in the public sector, remained low, warned Mr Janša.
In the words of the Prime Minister, the March European Council is always an opportunity to review the implementation of the planned measures and the specific situation of a Member State. "It is important to take stock and define which measures are needed in the future."
With respect to the Stability and Convergence Programme, and the National Reform Programme which Slovenia must submit to Brussels next month, it is only proper that "those who signed the coalition agreement draw up a reform programme on its basis, send the programme to Brussels, defend it and, of course, try to implement it." Mr Janša also commented on the list of candidates for ministers proposed by the new government by saying that "everybody deserved a chance" and went on to express his hope that "the new government would fare better in governing than it had in forming the government".
When asked about the international community's attitude to the situation in Syria, Mr Janša replied that the current situation only prolonged the suffering, especially the suffering of the civilian population. Certain steps will have to be taken, but it is very difficult for a single country, unless it is one of the powerful states, to make a difference. This is one of the reasons why the wider international community, not solely the European Union, has been struggling to adopt a uniform position all this time. As they have recently come closer to an agreement, the Prime Minister thinks that in the coming months the international community may be capable of a more resolute action to end the suffering of the Syrian people, in particular several hundred thousand refugees in camps.