
Prime Minister Borut Pahor answered questions from deputies at the 27th regular session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.

(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/SPA)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, answered questions from deputies at the 27th regular session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The questions to the Prime Minister were posed by three opposition MPs, namely, Zmago Jelinčič from the Slovene National Party, Jakob Presečnik from the Slovenian People’s Party, Andrej Vizjak from  the Slovenian Democratic Party, and    Franco Juri from  the coalition party Zares.


The first question to the Prime Minister was raised by Zmago Jelinčič with regard to the construction of the Aeronautical Museum ZEU and the scheduled time when the Government would fulfil its promise regarding implementation of the project of construction of the Aeronautical Museum ZEU. Deputy Jakob Presečnik asked the Prime Minister a question in connection with the integrity of work of the state administration bodies, civil servants, public officials and highest political representatives of the state. The next question to Prime Minister came from deputy Andrej Vizjak who inquired about the measures aimed at stabilisation of public debt. The last in successive order was a question by deputy Juri concerning establishment of the European Stability Mechanism; namely, the deputy asked the Prime Minister how he assessed the possibilities of a change of opinion and of not having a referendum with regard to the upcoming referendum on the Pension and Disability Insurance Act.