
Prime Minister Pahor continues his official visit to the Republic of Turkey

(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/SPA)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today in Ankara concluded the first part of his official visit to Turkey by laying a wreath at the grave of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He proceeded by a visit to Istanbul, where he attended the opening ceremony of Turkey–Slovenia Business Forum and addressed the participants. He opened his address by greeting all participants and thanking for the invitation to participate in this important forum, which confirms a strong business interest in developing closer cooperation. He pointed to the importance of the signed memorandum on strategic partnership between the two countries, which "opens a new chapter in relations between the two countries in the political and economic spheres."


Prime Minister Pahor also said that Slovenia "strongly supports Turkey's accession to the European Union," and added that this process is in the mutual interest of both Turkey and the EU, which will become evident in the future. Turkey's accession to the European Union will strengthen the long-term stability of the entire region. It will also open a variety of business paths towards a very large and fast growing Turkish market. "In the coming months, President Erdogan will visit Slovenia, and this demonstrates mutual inclination towards establishing and strengthening close economic ties between the two countries," said Prime Minister Pahor. At the close of his address, Prime Minister Pahor said that Slovenia makes efforts to open its economy and make it ready for foreign investments. "Though a small country, Slovenia is a member of the EU and euro zone and this is why I believe we have a lot to offer to large countries since our potentials are not negligible." Slovenia is an open economy and the forging of closer economic ties with friendly countries will strengthen the domestic economic situation and that of our partners. Prime Minister Pahor invited Turkish businessmen to present their business initiatives and proposals of interest to the development of the two countries.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/SPA)


Prime Minister Pahor will continue his visit by meeting with some of the Turkish most influential businessmen to discuss the possibilities of cooperation. Before concluding his two-day official visit to Turkey, Prime Minister Pahor will meet the Turkish President Abdullah Gül.