
Prime Minister Pahor attended Europe – Asia Meeting (ASEM) in Brussels

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, took part in a two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 8) in Brussels. ASEM is one of the most important Summits within the EU. At the meeting, the Heads devoted particular attention to the financial and economic situation, sustainable development, global and regional issues and the future of ASEM. Prime Minister Pahor attended bilateral meetings and also participated in the session on sustainable development, where he, among other things, drew attention to the fact that the financial crisis had increased environmental threats, therefore more attention should be paid to renewable energy, water protection, development and innovation, and to fighting climate changes.


On the margins of ASEM Summit, Prime Minister Pahor held separate meetings with his counterparts from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan. The meetings focused on enhancing economic cooperation and on preliminary arrangements for future meetings at the highest level to be held next year. At the meeting with Prime Minister Pahor, the Prime Minister of Thailand, Abhisit Vejjajiva, focused on closer cooperation with the Port of Koper, because Thailand would like to see more of its products shipped to Central and Eastern Europe through the Slovenian port. Prime Ministers Pahor and Vejjajiva also discussed the cooperation within the International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance (ITF). Thailand offered support for Slovenia's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2012–2013.


Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Prime Minister Pahor talked about promoting political and economic dialogue between the two countries, bearing in mind their current infrequent contacts. They both agreed that investments and trade should be encouraged. The two Prime Ministers also agreed that business delegations would meet before the end of the year to prepare the next meeting at the highest level, foreseen for the next year, when the Prime Minister of Vietnam would visit Slovenia at the invitation of the Slovenian Prime Minister. Vietnam also offered its support for Slovenia's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.


At the bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Prime Minister Pahor focused on strengthening economic cooperation and on a possible high level meeting in the next year. By the time of the meeting, the countries will establish legal basis for closer cooperation and consider the possibilities concerning the avoidance of double taxation. Prime Minister Pahor and the Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, agreed that the competent ministries and embassies of the two countries would organise a high level meeting devoted to strengthening dialogue, which, according to Prime Minister Pahor, has not been as intensive as it might have been.