
Prime Minister Borut Pahor attends 60th Anniversary of the Operation of Specialist Hospital in Postojna: “Faith in the common good should be put in the cradle of the future generations."

Prime Minister of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the celebration of 60th anniversary of the operation of the Hospital for Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Postojna. In his address, Prime Minister Pahor stressed that he was particularly pleased to celebrate this event with the Postojna specialised hospital, for this is where he had been born himself 46 years ago, to a great delight of his parents. Prime Minister Pahor congratulated the whole crew of the hospital famous as one of the best of its kind in Slovenia, and wished them to preserve this prestigious status in the future – especially because their work may contribute to one of the most beautiful events in human life and to the joy of all future and new parents.


»On this opportunity, however, I cannot ignore the current events, therefore the health care reform, which constitutes the Government's attempt to further improve universally accessible health care services in the whole country,« added Prime Minister Pahor and stressed that he was aware of the hard work left in this area, especially due to the lack of staff in health care; it is the staff, however, which is the main condition for a successfully implemented reform. In his speech, Prime Minister Pahor invoked all Government's efforts towards the new law, which would improve and facilitate the conditions for the operation of the health care sector. At the end of his address, Prime Minister Pahor added that both politicians and health care workers work for the common good, which is important for our common future. He underlined that a quality and accessible health care system is of key importance for the Government and invited everybody to participate in the public discussion on the law, for these decisions would not be relevant for a year or two but also for following decades, influencing the future of our children, too. “What we need is mutual trust, courage and faith in the common good, which we may put in the cradle of all our successors, too. I think this is the best we can give.”