
Prime Minister Borut Pahor visits the Šempeter-Vrtojba Municipality and attends the 50th anniversary celebration of Iskra Avtoelektrika

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today stayed in the Primorska region and visited the Šempeter-Vrtojba Municipality, where he was welcomed by the Mayor Dragan Valenčič. On this occasion, the Mayor showed him the renovated Coronini Manor and the construction site of the new home for the retired persons at Vrtojba.


Later in the visit, the Prime Minister attended the 50th anniversary celebration of the company Iskra Avtoelektrika where he addressed the public. He said that the success of Iskra Avtoelektrika was not an inspiration only for the Goriška and the Primorska region but for the Slovenian economy and society as a whole.''Your success is our success that we are all looking forward to with satisfaction'' said the Prime Minister. In addition, Mr Pahor could not circumvent the problems caused by the world economic crisis. ''What is important after the successive drops we had in the national GDP is that over the last quarter Slovenia has experienced a GDP growth by a remarkable 2.2 %'', pointed out the Prime Minister.


After a year and a half of severe crisis, which swept away millions of jobs across the world, some of the important economic super powers stepped on the way of recovery. Slovenia, thanks to the efforts made by its Government and the management, as well as great commitment by the employed, managed to join these countries. ''New jobs will be open, young people will find employment; the added value per employee will be higher, exports will grow again and will not be limited solely to the existing export markets. The Slovenian economy is about to undergo complete restructuring and some reforms will be undertaken which were omitted in the past'', concluded the Prime Minister.