
Prime Minister Borut Pahor, attending the National Assembly, said: "It is our goal to consolidate national finance and increase competitiveness."

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the 26th extraordinary session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and in his opening address gave an additional explanation to the budget amendment of the Republic of Slovenia for 2010. Prime Minister Pahor opened the session by emphasising that Slovenia today belongs to those countries of the European Union which have relatively successfully overcome the first year of a dramatic drop in GDP, which has also been established by the European Commission. Prime Minister Pahor noted: "I believe that at present, we have reached a level, where on the basis of the state anti crisis actions, we achieved some successes and can take a breath while we should pay full attention to the tasks that lie ahead."


In the continuation of his explanation to the budget amendment, Prime Minister Pahor mentioned that in 2007, the total public deficit was approximately 7% of GDP at the European Union level while during the same period, the public deficit increased from 59% to almost 80%. Slovenia is among the countries whose nominal debt is relatively low, i.e. 35%. Slovenia has set itself the objective of reducing the public deficit to the level below 3% GDP by 2013. This means that within four years, Slovenia should at least halve the current level of the public deficit. Prime Minister Pahor said: "The public debt and the issue of competitiveness together with the objective of fiscal consolidation are the two most important objectives which we are seeking to achieve by taking various measures and the budget amendment is one of them. We should be aware that the European macroeconomic situation has worsened; however, as a result of a series of measures taken last year, the situation has improved to a certain extent."

In his explanation, Prime Minister Pahor proposed that the National Assembly Members  or their representatives, parliamentary parties or their representatives, irrespective of their belonging to the coalition or the opposition, should sit down and discuss the economic situation in Europe and in Slovenia and consider taking some joint measures, adding: "If the opposition is willing to accept such a proposal, the Government shall also be ready to accept it. I propose that we have a meeting before the summer vacation and see what we can do together. In case there is a possibility for a dialogue at least inside the politics, we are ready for it. The tasks of the Government I head are very clear. Through the budget amendment we seek to keep the deficit at the still acceptable level of 5%. During this time we wish to carry out pension, health and pay structural reforms and modernise the public sector. We would like to examine the possibilities for improving the business environment for foreign investments. We are in a situation where the Government relatively successfully regulates the process of economic recovery. However, it is our objective to consolidate the public finance and increase competitiveness, while otherwise, in a long term, we will not be able to finance social transfers. It is our objective to introduce order and discipline in social transfers to actually save the people who face financial difficulties", explained Prime Minister Pahor.


In the conclusion of his explanation to the budget amendment of the Republic of Slovenia for 2010, Prime Minister Pahor noted that it is the wish of the Government to halve the public deficit by 2013. He said: "In this period we must carry out structural reforms and, in particular, the public sector modernisation, which is of utmost importance.  This will be difficult, since we have Public Sector Trade Unions who have their own opinion on the issue. The tasks are not easy; however, I believe that it will be easier for us, if, after all this time, we work together to accomplish them. There is readiness for that on the side of the Government and, if it is also on the part of the opposition, it will be that much easier to achieve certain goals with joint efforts."