
Prime Minister Pahor performed a honorary jump over the skin in Velenje

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the 50th event entitled Jump over the Skin held at the Velenje City Stadium in the vicinity of the Velenje Lake.


(Photo: Matej Leskovšek/STA)


After the 50th honorary jump over the skin had been performed with the slogan First I will jump then I will say hop, Prime Minister Pahor delivered a speech in which he emphasised the importance of constructing Unit 6 of the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant. He stressed that a decision on the construction was not an easy one; but after receiving all answers concerning Unit 6, he had no doubt about correctness of the decision to support the construction and about its benefits to Slovenia, because Unit 6 of the TPP Šoštanj would provide for the energy supply in Slovenia. "Slovenia has a bold energy plan which foresees investments in the South Stream gas pipeline, construction of the second block of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and new hydroelectric power plants on the lower Sava River," said Prime Minister Pahor.


Prime Minister Pahor concluded his address by recalling his first visit to the Velenje Coal Mine a decade ago when he descended 300 meters deep into the mine. He said that he had been pleasantly surprised by working conditions and modern technology and also remembered a miner who had told him that there was no other job he would rather do.