
Prime Minister Borut Pahor on Working Visit at Headquarters DARS and DDC

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, together with the state secretary at the Ministry of Transport, Dr  Igor Jakomin, visited today the Motorway Company of the Republic of Slovenia (DARS) and company DDC, where he met with the managements of both companies. The Government attempts to regulate the relations between DARS, DDC and the Government, aiming at a transparent and cost-effective use of taxpayers’ money for the needs of future investments in infrastructure.


(Photo: Danijel Novakovič/STA)


At the end of the visit Prime Minister Pahor said that the mentioned three subjects form a kind of triangle of relations within the taxpayers’ money. “The task of the Government is to maintain, change or adapt these relations so that the taxpayers’ money, when invested in infrastructure, will be spent in a cost-effective and transparent manner. This is the task we face,” stressed Prime Minister Pahor. Another agreement made at the meeting was that the representatives of the Government, Ministry of Transport, Road Agency, DARS, DDC and expert public should meet in September and discuss the vision of the future relationships between the Government, DARS and DDC. Since both DARS and DDC are fully owned by the state, “the question for me is whether the existing institutional arrangement is optimal,” added the Prime Minister.