
Press conference of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor

At the today's 85th regular session, the Slovenian Government, alongside other resolutions, adopted the amendment to the Execution of Judgement in Civil Matters and Insurance of Claims Act and proposed that the National Assembly should appoint Dr Boštjan Tratar as new Attorney General. The Prime Minister Borut Pahor and the responsible ministers outlined the major resolutions, and Mr Pahor then answered a number of topical questions.


(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


At today's session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the amendment to the Execution of Judgements in Civil Matters and Insurance of Claims Act. The main objective of the adopted amendment is to increase the efficiency of the execution by shortening and simplifying execution proceedings.   In such a way, the objectives of reducing payment indiscipline, protecting economic interests and reducing negative effects of the crisis are followed. The Act provides for a number of new solutions in recovering the property of the debtor since the catalogue of data to be available by creditors and debtors has been widening.


Today, the Government has decided to propose Dr Boštjan Tratar for a position of Attorney General to the National Assembly for its approval because he submitted the most appropriate work programme containing actions and methods for improvement of the work of the State Attorney’s Office, a better protection of the public interest and plans for ensuring the implementation of Government’s saving measures. The appointment of a new Attorney General is necessary because the terms of office of the current Attorney General expires in July. To this end, a public call for applications was published to which four candidates applied.


At today’s press conference, the Prime Minister emphasised that the Arbitration Agreement is the first agreement signed by Prime Ministers of the Governments of both countries and which was also ratified by both Parliaments. Prime Minister Pahor noted that "Now, at the conclusion, it depends merely on the people of Slovenia, whether the Court of Arbitration would start working." On Sunday, on the Arbitration Agreement referendum, the citizens of Slovenia will decide whether they want a future with a fair border, lasting peace and coexistence with neighbouring Croatia or a past and unsettled relations. "You have got two birds in the hand, don't look for one in the bush," added Prime Minister Pahor.


The Prime Minister also referred to the Government’s scoreboard for monitoring the progress made regarding the adoption of the legislation related to the Slovenian Exit Strategy.  Prime Minister Pahor pointed out the law proposals on employment relationships, labour market regulation and mini jobs which are in the inter-ministerial coordination procedure and will be under consideration by the social partners next week. "If at least a minimum consensus is reached, they will be considered at the Government session next week," explained the Prime Minister and added that within a month, a significant, tangible progress in the implementation of the Slovenian Exit Strategy could be noticed. Regarding the revision of the national budget, Prime Minister observed that through the mentioned, the Government will reduce the budget expenditure by EUR 430 Million.  In this connection, the Government plans no tax increase, with the exception of excise duties. The Prime Minister said that "With the mentioned savings, Slovenia will be able to keep the budget deficit within sustainable limits of five percent of gross domestic production." For the time being, the economic trends are favourable for Slovenia, critical is only the situation in the construction industry.   "Slovenia is steadily ranked among the countries continuing their path of economic recovery regardless of quarter GDP falls," also stressed Prime Minister Pahor.