
Prime Minister Pahor after the signing of the OECD Agreement: As of today, we cooperate as partners and co-workers within the group of the best

“Slovenia has so far cooperated with the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) specifically in the light of meeting the conditions for the today’s signature. As of today, Slovenia will cooperate in another manner, especially after having carried out ratification in all Member States, “ Prime Minister Pahor said at the press conference after the Agreement on Slovenia’s Accession to the OECD has today been signed in Ljubljana by the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria and the Minister for Development and European Affairs, Mitja Gaspari.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


Slovenia will henceforth participate as an active member and will use information and advice of the club of the most developed countries. In so doing, it does not intend to directly copy or translate them, but take them into consideration, also with regard to domestic or local situation in preparing acts, regulations and decrees as well as other Government decisions that are necessary for successful national governance. “In this respect, we are part of the OECD and the OECD is our partner and our advisor”, underlined Mr Pahor, adding that through Slovenia’s accession to the OECD, the country has taken one of most important steps in joining that part of the developed world, to which it wishes to belong in the future.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


»This day is also a very important day for the OECD«, said the Secretary-General Angel Gurria in his statement to the press after signing the agreement and commended Slovenia's OECD accession process that in view of the OECD had been extremely smooth.  In this process, Slovenia adopted the Corporate Governance of State Capital Investment Act which, according to Mr Gurria, is a very important act for Slovenia. At a time of the global financial and economic crisis, the words of the Slovenian writer and translator, Primož Trubar, »to stand and withstand«, are, according to Mr Gurria, also highly relevant today, especially in these times when it is very important to stand and withstand together.  The crisis has revealed that economies must cooperate and take harmonised measures. »And it is coordinated performance of economies that is the basic mission of the OECD,« stressed Gurria and added that the OECD strives for a stronger, cleaner and fairer global economy.  “Therefore, we have to be more pluralistic, global and inclusive, meaning that  Slovenia’s accession is a decisive step forward on the way to become a meeting point for dialogue on global issues,” underlined the Secretary-General Gurria.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


Prime Minister Pahor showed to the distinguished OECD guest a scoreboard of reform laws designed to lead Slovenia out of the economic crisis.  He pointed out that the scoreboard imposes a kind of obligation on the Government to implement the planned measures and at the same time enables the public to follow the progress. Mr Gurria was impressed with the scoreboard and added that, in addition to good management and courage, the implementation of the set measures requires a lot of work to reach consensus on reforms.  “You have ambitious goals and we are here to help you and cooperate with you in their implementation", said Mr Gurria. 
Prime Minister Pahor also announced the first conference on innovation organised by the Slovenian Government and scheduled for this Friday.  The distinguished guest and the Prime Minister agreed that a high OECD representative, presumably OECD director for innovation, will also attend the conference.