
Slovenian Prime Minister attends ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of democratic change and establishment of Manoeuvre Structure of National Defence

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, together with the Minister of Defence, Dr Ljubica Jelušič, today in Stična attended  a ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of democratic change and the establishment of the Manoeuvre Structure of the National Defence of the Republic of Slovenia.


(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


In his statement to the press on the margins of the ceremony, Mr Pahor expressed his belief that "the Arbitration Agreement is marking the victorious conclusion of a 20-year period of building the Slovenian statehood". The Slovenian Prime Minister went on to say that "if in my judgement the solution for Slovenia were not as good as it is, I would have not insisted on it," and then explained that if that were the case, he would have decided to wait for another twenty years. "However, when I realised that this was indeed a valuable historical moment, when we had the opportunity to make a move to the benefit of our statehood, I, together with the Government and the majority in the National Assembly, immediately decided for this step; and now it is for our citizens to make their own decision," added Mr Pahor. He also emphasised that now, like twenty years ago, it is time to be courageous, and advised people to take part in the referendum, as their companion will not be fear, but reason and courage. "History will show that we were right," concluded Prime Minister Pahor.