
Prime Minister’s press conference

At today’s 81st regular session of the Slovenian Government in Lipica, which was devoted to tourism, several decisions have been adopted. A strategic council for tourism will be set up shortly, headed by Prime Minister Pahor and Economy Minister Lahovnik. The Government will also set a number of goals and measures necessary in the field of tourism. “Horizontally under the head of the council will be the ministers who are responsible for individual fields related to tourism. I believe, in the short-term, there are still some things that need to be dealt with by the summer tourist season,” announced the Prime Minister.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA, vir: UKOM)


Prime Minister Pahor continued by saying that “personally, I have no reservations with respect to foreign capital investments in the Slovenian tourism," at the same time also pointing to the Slovenian envy opposing foreign investors. In future, the decision will have to be made whether tourism projects will have a domestic or a foreign investor. “Tourism may be a future success story for Slovenia, since it has many positive effects on the economy, but it also requires various government activities", pointed out Prime Minister Pahor. According to him, we have paid insufficient attention to the issues of tourism considering that it generates 12% of Slovenia’s GDP. A more active approach could substantially increase the percentage, improve our offer and create new jobs. “Slovenia's beauty is not enough, Slovenia must be attractive and tidy for domestic and foreign visitors, " added the Prime Minister.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA, vir: UKOM)


Minister Lahovnik emphasised that the Government had ambitious goals for tourism; however, the issues must be addressed at the inter-ministerial level since the tourism involves different areas of work. “One of the agreements is to draw up a national tourism development strategy for 2012-2016. By 2020, overnight stays are to be increased to ten million, the number of tourists to three million and the direct inflow generated from travel to 2.5 billion euros," Lahovnik revealed.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA, vir: UKOM)


After the session in Lipica, Prime Minister Pahor attended the opening of the 15th International Boat Show Internautica 2010, addressing the participants: “The Internautica show is important for Slovenia as a maritime country and because the fair defies the recession.” Mr Pahor commended the organiser who persisted last year when the situation was worse as well as this year when the situation has not yet fully improved. According to Mr Pahor, Internautica is important because new achievements in nautical industry are presented by Slovenian manufacturers of vessels and nautical equipment. This year’s Internautica boat show hosted the first presentation of Elan’s new vessels. “I believe we can be proud. Nautical industry is considered on the “cutting edge” of the demanding industry. “You have to be top-notch in order to survive in this competitive world”, concluded Prime Minister Pahor adding that Elan's achievements are a proof that they can withstand the toughest games and also come out as winners.