
Prime Minister Pahor visits Instrumentation Technologies and attends the event Businessman of the Primorska Region

Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, visited a high technology company Instrumentation Technologies and meet with the company's management. He was given a tour of the development laboratories of the world’s leading company producing technology for accelerators where studies such as research on the universe formation are carried out. Rok Uršič, the company’s director, stressed that Instrumentation Technologies is a partner in the FAIR project, which sets up an international scientific centre devoted to the studies of elements of matter.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


Prime Minister Pahor emphasised the importance of small high-tech companies which generate high added value per employee and should set an example for other business entities. As a small state, Slovenia should welcome and support brave and innovative business ideas. “I hope that in the future young people will see an opportunity for their academic and business development in Slovenia,” said Prime Minister Pahor. He continued by stressing that Slovenia can start a project aiming at establishing a support environment for the European Silicon Valley.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


After the visit, Prime Minister Pahor attended the event “Businessman of the Primorska Region” held in Nova Gorica. Prime Minister Pahor, together with the Minister of the Economy, Matej Lahovnik, and economist Maks Tajnikar, participated in a roundtable discussion on topical economic issues and the future of Slovenia. The participants highlighted the importance of investments in the railway infrastructure necessary to support the development of the Port of Koper and the entire Slovenian economy. “With no upgraded railway infrastructure, the Port of Koper will lose its quality advantage over other ports,” stressed Prime Minister Pahor. He continued by saying that “We are not afraid of foreign investors but in fact we need them. It is not necessary for all companies to have strategic partners; they are not needed if companies operate successfully.”