
The Prime Minister Pahor visits the Slovenian Railways

Today, Prime Minister Borut Pahor for the fifth time in a row visited the management of the Slovenian Railways. In his statement to the media after the meeting, the Prime Minister said that in his opinion, the greatest achievement of this form of cooperation in solving the Slovenian Railways was halving the financial loss.  »An open issue of the real financial consolidation remains to be addressed in the future, in order to be able to consider the modernisation of a railway network and the railway, road and tourist systems, which is the reason why I decided today to invite all the parties in a dialogue to harmonise the Memorandum on the results achieved in the cooperation so far and our future tasks,« noted the Slovenian Prime Minister adding that it was his wish for the  Memorandum to be harmonised between the bodies within the Slovenian Railways, with the Ministry as well as within the social partners.


(Foto: Kristina Kosec/STA)


The Prime Minister Pahor emphasised that he was satisfied with the progress made since his first visit to the Slovenian Railways. »There is, however, still a great deal of work ahead to enable us to be more relaxed regarding the future of the Slovenian Railways. The questions should be discussed transparently and the agreements reached within the profession as well as with the authorities and least but not last, in the Parliament. The Slovenian Railways’ debt is EUR 350 million and we should find the answer to the question how to remedy this situation, since it is the taxpayers' money and this should be done by setting up an effective logistics service with a modern railway network and passenger friendly and successful transport system which would allure passenger from roads and cars back to trains because they will be more comfortable and cheaper,« noted the Prime Minister Pahor adding that he was satisfied that the trade unions also recognised a successful role of the Government.

At the end of the press conference the Slovenian Prime Minister expressed the anticipation that at the next meeting, which was planned to be the last of his meetings with the Slovenian Railways since the Minister Vlačič was to assume his role, the achievements of the visits so far and a distribution of new tasks would be discussed. All those present agreed that the speed of implementing the planned changes and measures was of a high importance for solving the Slovenian Railways.