
Prime Minister Pahor congratulates Olympic winner Petra Majdič

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, congratulated Petra Majdič, the winner of bronze medal at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. In his message of congratulations, Mr Pahor emphasised that through her commitment and sporting spirit, Ms Majdič has proved the entire world that she is a real fighter and an outstanding athlete. Therefore, the Slovenians are rightly proud of her and share the joy over her victory with her and her team.


(Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA)


Prime Minister Pahor also wished Petra Majdič a fast recovery and a safe return home.


In his statement to the press, the Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor, while commenting on the feat of the bronze medal winner in women's cross-country sprint, Petra Majdič, said that Slovenia has a heroine who has demonstrated the meaning of victorious mentality in sports. "Everyone who pursues sports can understand her situation. A perfect physical shape does not suffice, as it is ultimately the character that decides. Petra Majdič has proven that one can also win after being almost brought to one's knees; one does not give up, but gets up and goes on," said Mr Pahor and added: "She is my great inspiration, she can be a great inspiration to all of us, as her feat demonstrates that we can overcome all difficulties and be finally victorious."