
Prime Minister Pahor Meets Madeleine Albright, Chair of Group Developing NATO's New Strategic Concept

The Slovenian Prime Minister, Borut Pahor, today at the Government Palace met Dr Madeleine Albright, the Chair of the Group of Experts for Developing NATO's new Strategic Concept, who is currently on a visit to Slovenia, as part of the second seminar on this concept, which is intended to promote a strategic discussion on the document under preparation.


(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


Dr Albright introduced Mr Pahor to the role of the group responsible for drafting the new Strategic Concept. During their talks, the two dignitaries agreed that public support for this document is highly important, as the world and NATO are facing a security environment and challenges that have changed dramatically. On this occasion, Prime Minister Pahor highlighted the issue of NATO's globalisation and the possibility of its further enlargement. Dr Albright emphasised that the political and other standards required to qualify for joining NATO remain unaltered. However, the strengthening of a strategic and political dialogue with all international actors should also be considered fundamental.


Mr Pahor and Dr Albright devoted part of their talks to the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and NATO's role in this region. They also touched upon the situation in the Western Balkans.