
Prime Minister’s Press Conference

At today's press conference, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, outlined the major resolutions and decisions adopted by the Government in its 53rd regular session and answered some questions regarding current issues.


(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


The Government described the successful conclusion of negotiations on the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on co-operation in construction and operation of the gas pipeline on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. The South Stream gas pipeline is extremely important for EU Member States. The essential elements of the agreement to be signed on Saturday are the establishment of the head office of a joint venture responsible for implementation of the investment in Slovenia, and the equal shares (50:50) of the founders in the venture's subscribed capital.


The Slovenian Government today also adopted a strategy for Slovenia's participation in international operations and missions, which was drafted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in partnership with the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of the Interior and other competent government services. Co-operation in international operations and missions is an important element of providing national security, welfare and of promoting of foreign policy, security, economic and other interests. Through this strategy, Slovenia aims to upgrade its previous approach and to strengthen the effects of participation in the area of military and police operations, as well as in the civil, rescue and development fields, while also promoting its economic and other interests.


The ministerial corps today adopted the text of the draft law on amendments to the Act Regulating the Legal Status of Citizens of Former Yugoslavia Living in the Republic of Slovenia, whose purpose is to comprehensively regulate the issue of the "erased" 17 years after their removal from public records. In doing so, the Ministry of the Interior has fully complied with the decisions of the Constitutional Court related to the erased citizens, and specifically the decision of 2003. The Ministry also applied the constitutional principles developed by the Constitutional Court in its case law in this area for other categories of "erased" people, whose status has not been explicitly deliberated on by this Court.


At the close of the press conference, information on the rescue operation relating to the mountaineer Tomaž Humar was submitted. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs engaged the services of the Slovenian representation in New Delhi and the services of certain other representations of the EU Member States located in the immediate vicinity of the rescue operation. In order to address any further such cases, a "crisis staff" has been established within the Slovenian consular sector.