
Prime Minister Borut Pahor meets Albanian President Bamir Topi

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today met with the President of the Republic of Albania, Prof. Dr Bamir Topi, who is visiting Slovenia accompanied by a sizeable economic delegation. Mr Pahor and Prof. Dr Topi agreed that the friendly relations between the two countries could be further enhanced. Bilateral co-operation at both the political and economic level has been particularly expanded over the past year, and this co-operation should be strengthened in the future through a primary focus on energy, banking and infrastructure, according to the two leaders.

(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)

In a relaxed atmosphere, Prime Minister Pahor and President Topi emphasised that Albania's recent accession to full NATO membership provides additional opportunities to deepen bilateral co-operation. Mr Pahor also drew attention to Slovenia's willingness to communicate its experience and knowledge to Albania in forging closer ties with the European Union. The two agreed that Albania's integration into European institutions is highly significant for consolidation of stability, both nationally and in the wider region. They also touched upon the development of Albanian tourism and the possibilities for co-operation in this area. At the close of the meeting, Prime Minister Pahor offered support to Albania in the process of visa liberalisation and President Topi thanked him for this offer.