
Prime Minister’s press conference

At today's press conference, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, outlined the major resolutions and decisions adopted by the Government at its 47th regular session. Mr Pahor opened the press conference by saying that the Government had a successful week behind it, as "we brought in draft budgets for 2010 and 2011, and also carried through the initiative to conclude an arbitration agreement with neighbouring Croatia."


The Slovenian Prime Minister emphasised that the public would be informed of the content of the arbitration agreement "as soon as all procedures in the respective parliaments have been completed and after the European Commission has formally submitted the results to the foreign ministers of both countries."


(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


At today's session, the Slovenian Government adopted a document on structural adjustment for 2010 and 2011, which, alongside the 2010 and 2011 draft budgets, was submitted to the National Assembly for discussion. Structural changes were prepared in connection with a development-oriented budget and particularly relate to essential adjustment in the management of public institutions, to promoting entrepreneurship, competitiveness and labour market transparency, to structural adjustment in transport and energy infrastructure providing effective environmental and climate policy and to the adjustment of the social security and healthcare systems.


At today’s session the ministerial corps also adopted the draft law amending the Offences Act. The draft proposal specifies that a fast-track proceeding is not admissible for offences against road transport safety, these offences being subject to a secondary sanction of prescribed penalty points, on the basis of which the sanction of termination of validity of the driving licence is imposed on the perpetrator. The chapter on measures for ensuring the presence of the accused person and for successful conduct of offence proceedings is also being supplemented. The latter applies to Article 110 of the Offences Act, providing for the admissibility of detention in cases where there is a justified suspicion that the accused person might destroy, hide or dispose of evidence of the offence.


Towards the end of the press conference Prime Minister Pahor responded to the question of various interpretations which have appeared in public in connection with the act on intervention measures and explained that by submitting the proposed act, essential for drafting the 2010 and 2011 budgets, social dialogue was not suspended: "The Government has sent a clear message that after the conclusion of social negotiations, this act would be appropriately amended so as to consider the content of the agreements reached."