
Prime Minister’s press conference

At today's press conference, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, outlined the major resolutions and decisions adopted by the Government at its 43nd regular session.


Prime Minister Pahor first announced tomorrow's meeting with his Croatian colleague Jadranka Kosor. "My regular contact with the Croatian Prime Minister and today's harmonisation of our positions will, hopefully, lead to a successful conclusion of bilateral talks," said Mr Pahor and added that the blockade imposed on Croatia could be withdrawn by the end of this year, "provided that all conditions are met".


(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


At today's session, the Slovenian Government laid down the wording of the draft Medical Devices Act, which defines medical devices and their accessories and use, as well as measures for ensuring adequate quality. The proposal regulates conditions for manufacturing and trading medical devices, and the monitoring of possible complications and supervision of public health protection. With the proposed new law, citizens will be ensured access to medical devices meeting the highest quality standards in place in the European market and prevented from procuring products marketed as medical devices yet not meeting requirements governing safety, performance and quality.


At today’s session, the ministerial corps also took note of and adopted a proposal from the supervisory board of the Motorway Company of the Republic of Slovenia to dismiss the Chairman of the Management Board, Tomislav Nemec, and the current members of the company's management board. The Government appointed Mateja Duhovnik to the post of temporary management board chairman of the Slovenian Motorway Company for a period not exceeding three months.


The Government also charged the ministries with reviewing their employment contracts with management board members and presidents of public undertakings and other companies which are either fully state-owned or in majority state ownership.