
Prime Minister’s press conference

At today's press conference, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, outlined the major resolutions and decisions adopted by the Government at its 42nd regular session.
At today’s session, the Government took note of Italian documents concerning the cross-border environmental impact assessment procedure regarding the construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal in Žavlje, and of the expert opinion given by various experts with regard to Slovenia’s comments that have been taken into consideration. The Government has decided that the construction of the gas terminal is unacceptable, since Slovenia’s comments relating in particular to transport safety, safety of aquatic environment and general safety have not been taken into account.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)

The ministers today adopted the proposed amendments to the Commodity Reserves Act in a shortened procedure. By adopting the proposed amendments, the Government will join two entities – the Institute for Commodity Reserves and the Agency for Compulsory Oil Stocks. By so doing, the Government expects to achieve a substantial cost reduction and a reduction in the number of employees.
When asked by journalists about succession to the Austrian State Treaty, Prime Minister Pahor reiterated that it was Slovenia's duty to defend the rights of the Slovene national minority in Austria. "Austria is obliged to respect the state treaty and the article that guarantees the rights of the Slovene minority in Austria," said Mr Pahor, adding that it is very important that Slovenia persist in succession to the state treaty.