
Prime Minister Pahor on World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day, used by the United Nations as one of the principle vehicles to stimulate worldwide awareness of environmental issues and to encourage political attention and action. This year's theme, "Your Planet Needs You – UNite to Combat Climate Change", reflects the urgency of a common approach in the fight against climate change, which undoubtedly represents one of the greatest challenges faced by humanity today. In this regard, Slovenia is no exception and must do its part.


(Foto: Bor Slana/Bobo)


I would also like to use this year's World Environment Day as an opportunity to welcome and support the initiative of the employees of Government Services and offices working at Gregorčičeva ulica 25 and 27 to contribute to greater care for our environment through their conduct. A more rational use of paper and electricity is certainly something that can substantially reduce adverse impacts on the environment. These measures, which everyone can observe in everyday life, are indeed a small step, but one which, in the long run, will nevertheless bring us to the single most important goal – a cleaner and healthier environment for us and future generations.