
Slovenian Prime Minister attends Eastern Partnership Summit

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, yesterday attended the Eastern Partnership Summit in Prague. "The Eastern Partnership is a good idea realised at the right time, as it is quite important that certain values and rules, as well as ways of conduct and settling problems, be implemented in this part of Europe, which we can say with certainty will not be integrated into the EU within a foreseeable period of time," said Mr Pahor on the margins of the meeting.


(Foto: Tina Kosec/Bobo)


Prime Minister Pahor commended the role and objectives of the Eastern Partnership and said that this is the process of integration into a single system of values represented by the EU, bringing about positive effects both for the stabilisation of the region and mutual cooperation within the region. "Slovenia has experience in regional cooperation and, should it be of benefit for the partnership established today, Slovenia will certainly be ready to share it," added Mr Pahor.