
Prime Minister Borut Pahor convened a meeting of the presidents of the parliamentary parties and deputies of the national communities

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today convened a meeting of the presidents of the parliamentary parties and deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities. Discussions focused on the amended draft agreement on the settlement of the border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia. On the margins of the consultation meeting on Commissioner Rehn's proposal, Prime Minister Pahor said that the meeting was primarily intended for the preparation of amendments to the proposal and expressed his satisfaction with the constructive spirit of the talks.


(Foto: Bor Slana/Bobo)

In his statement to the press, Mr Pahor said that the participants of the meeting were today very close to reaching an agreement on Mr Rehn's proposal. However, in order to make a final decision, additional consideration and consultation on certain open issues would be required. "It is our ambition that these decisions will form a solid basis for Slovenia's position towards Commissioner Rehn's proposal and have therefore decided to allow a few more days to consider certain open issues," said the Prime Minister, adding that it was quite possible that Slovenia would communicate its amendments to Brussels as early as next week.