
Prime Minister Borut Pahor meets the top innovators of 2008

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today met representatives of the Slovenian Innovators’ Association, which joins innovative micro-enterprises and individual innovators.


(Photo: Bor Slana/Bobo)


After the meeting, Mr Pahor stressed that the achievements of Slovenian innovators have captured the interest of the public, as well as of the government, which will therefore support the innovators’ activities and development.


On this occasion, representatives of the association presented their activities and individual innovations to the government, and also mentioned the difficulties faced by innovators in Slovenia and in Europe. They presented certain initiatives to the government aimed at making the Slovenian innovation area as effective as possible and following the lead of developed European countries.


Mr Pahor said that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia will consider the aforementioned proposals. He also expressed hopes to meet again in a year’s time to examine the progress achieved in the field of innovation activity.