
Prime Minister Borut Pahor attends 45th Golden Fox World Cup skiing competition

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Borut Pahor, attended the women’s World Cup alpine skiing event today in Maribor. The Prime Minister, who is the patron of honour of the 45th Golden Fox competition, presented today’s giant slalom winner, Tina Maze, and other best-ranked competitors with awards and congratulated them on their achievements.


(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)


The Prime Minister took the opportunity to commend the organisers on the excellent organisation of this traditional skiing competition held on the slopes of Pohorje. The Prime Minister, who visited Pohorje on his return from a working visit to Bratislava the day before the event, observed that the organisers had done their work extremely well and with painstaking attention to detail.


(Photo: Bobo)


He further said that certain legal bases were being prepared, aimed at more clearly regulating the status of professional and elite sportsmen and women, especially after the end of their sports careers.


(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)


Prime Minister Borut Pahor attends 45th Golden Fox World Cup skiing competition The Prime Minister explained that the Government would also have to consider its future politics concerning its role in the organisation of sports events, and that the current situation, which is the result of global economic and financial uncertainty, would have to be taken into account in this process.