
Prime Minister Pahor meets representatives of Islamic community in Slovenia

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today held a meeting with representatives of the Islamic community in Slovenia. This was the second in the Prime Minister’s series of meetings with    representatives of religious communities in Slovenia.


(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)


Afterwards, the Prime Minister and Mufti Dr Nedžad Grabus expressed their satisfaction with the talks. “We wish to tackle issues arising from relations between religious communities and the state in practice and in terms of principles, whereby the Government consistently complies with the constitutional principle of division between the state and religious communities,” noted the Prime Minister.  He also announced his plans to meet with representatives of other major religious communities in the coming weeks.


(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)


Religious communities and the state had been endeavouring to create conditions for all individuals, irrespective of their religious affiliation, to feel at home and free in Slovenia, added Mr Pahor.  “Our relations should develop in the spirit of tolerance and mutual co-existence.”


The representatives informed the Government of the Islamic community's activities and its project for the construction of an Islamic centre. Prime Minister Pahor expressed his support for the construction of a facility which will fit in the Slovenian cultural setting and at the same time meet the interests of the Islamic community.