
Prime Minister Borut Pahor discusses planned measures to tackle economic crisis with craftsmen and businessmen

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, who today in Ljubljana attended the assembly of the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, said in his address that the among its foreseen measures to lessen the economic and financial uncertainty, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia will also include some proposals important for craft and small business.

(Foto: Bor Slana/Bobo)


Thus, according to the Prime Minister, the Government and craftsmen and businessmen share a common opinion on the need to recapitalise the Slovenian Enterprise Fund and the need to shorten payment periods. The Prime Minister also emphasised that the Government wishes to support healthy economic entities, as well as those that face difficulties while still having enough potential for development. He noted, however, that the Government cannot support those enterprises for which it can be with certainty estimated that they have no future, even in the event of state aid. He further explained, however, that the Government will help those who lose their jobs due to such business failures.

(Foto: Bor Slana/Bobo)


In this regard, Prime Minister Pahor underlined the importance of the so-called “development dialogue”, which is in his opinion a very original Slovenian idea, aiming to bring all the relevant partners around the same table and to continue dialogue until it can be jointly and assuredly established that the time of economic uncertainty is over.