
Prime Minister Borut Pahor meets the Ambassador of India

On Wednesday, 4 May 2011, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia met with the Ambassador of the Republic of India, Jayakar Jerome. They discussed, in particular, the basic facts of the reinforced cooperation between Slovenia and India, which is to be additionally strengthened by the forthcoming visit of the Slovenian Prime Minister, Borut Pahor, and an accompanying business delegation to India.


In the introduction, Ambassador Jerome briefly resumed the dynamic of the economic relations development between the two countries and touched on the preparations of the Slovenian Prime Minister’s visit to India. In addition, he presented the main characteristics of the health reform implemented during the last few years by India’s authorities and the methods used in educating a remarkable number of excellently trained doctors and nurses. Prime Minister Pahor agreed that Slovenia lacked certain profiles of doctors and surgeons and said that cooperation with the Indian health institutions would be welcome. He proposed that a formal proposal on the subject, including concrete areas of cooperation, be prepared as soon as possible. One of the issues touched on during the discussion was also that of the mutual recognition of diplomas between Slovenia and India.