
Prime Minister Pahor attends the Brdo Process Conference on the topic of improving judicial cooperation in criminal matters between the countries of Western Balkans

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/SPA)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the conference “Brdo Process: Western Balkans Conference – improving judicial cooperation in criminal matters” held at Brdo pri Kranju, where he addressed the participants. Within the framework of the conference, Prime Minister Pahor met the US Attorney General, Eric H. Holder.


In his opening address, Prime Minister Pahor recalled that just a year ago he and his Croatian counterpart Kosor initiated “the Brdo Process” which began to yield concrete results. Accordingly, the conference on transport infrastructure held last year in Zagreb was followed by the establishment of a joint undertaking Cargo 10, which now includes participation by five Western Balkans countries. This is a proof that cooperation between the interested parties can be promptly strengthened through dialogue and commonly set objectives. Later on in his address, Prime Minister Pahor stressed that the “Brdo Process became the most important regional initiative based on political dialogue. This is a new step done in mutual trust which relies on the common interest urging the countries of South-Eastern Europe to join the EU as soon as possible”. On this occasion, the Slovenian Prime Minister highlighted the importance of tackling problems instead of putting them off to a later time. Bilateral and multilateral issues existing as a result of historical developments and manifesting themselves in a reciprocal non-recognition of the concerned communities or states should be addressed, said the Slovenian Prime Minister. “Tensions between the concerned countries are being solved slowly, but steadily; consequently, this part of Europe is becoming more attractive with regard to the EU and its prompt EU accession”, said Prime Minister Pahor.


(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/SPA)


At the press conference following the close of the first part of the conference, Prime Minister Pahor said that in his view the conference was a turning point for the Western Balkans, since in just one year after the beginning of the Brdo Process this event brought together “all high representatives covering the field of justice” in the region, and reiterated that the Brdo Process was the most important regional initiative in the Western Balkans area. When asked about the subject of the talks he had with the US Attorney General Eric Holder, Prime Minister Pahor said that this included also a topic of reception of prisoners in the light of migration flows in the Mediterranean. He further added that he acquainted the US Attorney General with the concerned political processes in Slovenia in connection with the reception of one or two Guantanamo prisoners. Prime Minister Pahor reiterated that the Government would not insist on receiving the prisoners if the National Assembly would be opposed to it. “I find it encouraging that the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy when discussing this issue some time ago did not adopt any decision which would refuse eventual reception of the mentioned prisoners”, added Prime Minister Pahor.


The US Attorney General said that receiving one or two of Guantanamo prisoners by Slovenia would be a humanitarian gesture that the US would highly appreciate. In addition, he explained that the US has been discussing this issue also with other countries in the region and worldwide.  Slovenian Minister of Justice Zalar pointed out that Slovenia and the USA have had exemplary cooperation in judicial matters over many years. “We will try to further strengthen it, inter alia, our efforts are directed towards closer cooperation between prosecutors”, said the minister and explained in continuation that his American colleague Holder asked him for help and support with EU procedures concerning the fight against terrorism