
Prime Minister Pahor at investment conference entitled US- Slovenia Business Bridge

(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/SPA)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the introductory evening organised at the beginning of the investment conference entitled 'US-Slovenia Business Bridge’ the purpose of which is to strengthen business ties between companies from the United States and Slovenia and highlight opportunities for increasing investment and trade.  In his introductory address, Prime Minsiter Pahor as the speaker of honour said that such events confirm the common interest for in-depth cooperation between the two countries, in particular in the field of economy, and also referred to the current events in Europe, since now, also Portugal applied for EU financial assistance.  Prime Minister Pahor briefly described Slovenia's tackling the global economic crisis and the measures adopted by the Government highlighting in particular the exit strategy for structural measures that also takes into consideration social and environmental aspects.  The Slovenian Prime Minister pointed out the importance of high technology development and the possibilities high technology offers to Slovenia in building business ties with other countries.


The participants of the round table discussion agreed that Slovenia disposes of highly educated and creative workforce and is a stable country with a good geo-strategic position, adding however, that it will not be able to fulfil its vision without partnership with foreign investors.