
Prime Minister Pahor on a working visit at the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning: “Preservation of the environment is an element of our prosperity”

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, this morning paid a working visit to the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, which he assessed as successful and useful. The Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Roko Žarnić, acquainted Prime Minister Pahor with the priorities set by the Ministry, the course of its work and the reorganisation envisaged, as well as with his decision about the project organisation joining the contents of individual fields. In his statement to the press after the meeting, Prime Minster Pahor stressed that the Government noticed some difficulties in the functioning of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, which need to be reviewed; ways should be found to resolve them.


“The Government is committed to pursuing sustainable development, which includes competitiveness, social cohesion and concern for the environment," continued Prime Minister Pahor, adding that, walking this path, it is necessary to very quickly find the answer to whether there is a real balance among these three elements, which enables the progress of our country.  In this context, the Prime Minister said that we encounter problems very often, also because at some points the legislation is too rigid and needs to be reviewed. Four laws are currently being harmonised at the Ministry, namely the Concession for the Lower Sava River Act, the Waters Act, the Environmental Protection Act and the Nature Conservation Act.  "Citizens are interested in solutions and not in the ways the ministries coordinate matters,” stressed Prime Minister Pahor wishing that all players in this field would strive for the conservation of our environment, which is an element of our prosperity.  At the end of the meeting, the participants raised the issue of floods and possibilities to prevent them, with respect to which Prime Minister Pahor expected that the Ministry would not delay in taking decisions related to water level issues.