
Prime Minister's press conference following the Government’s 102nd regular session

At today's session, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted several resolutions and took note of the information related to the rights of workers employed by construction company Vegrad. The Government also appointed new members of the Supervisory Board of the Holding of Slovenian Power Plants. The two competent ministers presented the adopted resolutions, and Prime Minister Pahor then answered some topical questions.


At today's session, the ministers took note of the Information on the rights of workers in case of employment termination due to bankruptcy related to the Vegrad Group issues. The Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs has prepared information about the rights of employees, in particular the right to unemployment cash benefit, regular and extraordinary cash social assistance and the rights under the Public Guarantee and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia. Because of a large number of foreign workers employed by Vegrad, information also covered data of relevance to alien workers for exercising rights arising from unemployment insurance, the rights of alien workers holding work permits which are due to expire shortly and their rights under an agreement on social security. The Government also adopted a decision that the Government Office for Legislation and the Ministry of Justice would, as soon as possible, prepare the legal opinion on possibilities for the workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, residing temporarily in the Republic of Slovenia, to obtain the right to unemployment cash benefit, regardless of the provisions of agreements on social security concluded with Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia pursuant to which this right only pertains to workers permanently residing in the Republic of Slovenia.

At today's session, the Government was also acquainted with the amended report on managing the investments in Unit 6 of the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant, which was submitted by the management of the Holding of Slovenian Power Plants as a response to Government resolutions adopted at the 92nd regular session on 22 July 2010. In addition, the Government took note of the document on the due diligence in managing the project of the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant, Unit 6. On 10 October 2010, the Government dismissed Supervisory Board members of the Holding of Slovenian Power Plants and appointed new Supervisory Board members for a term of office of four years with possible reappointment.


When asked about the recapitalisation of Nova ljubljanska banka, Prime Minister Pahor said that the bank would benefit from the entry of the third strategic partner bringing fresh funds and disburdening the treasury. At the same time, the third partner would put things in order, because "for reasons of profitability, it would probably want to have a well-managed house." According to Prime Minister Pahor, at this time, all possibilities concerning the recapitalisation are open. He stressed that without the stable NLB he could not envisage a stable banking system which is prerequisite for ensuring appropriate functioning of the Slovenian economy.


Regarding the meeting with Hartmut Mehdorn, Prime Minister Pahor said that they examined the progress achieved and discussed what they could do by the next conference on the logistics holding company. Integration of Slovenian Railways, the Port of Koper and Intereuropa into a logistics holding company is a good idea and probably the only one that can ensure, with some minor corrections, competitiveness of Slovenian logistics in the European area. "Partners, including the ones in majority state ownership, should be convinced about the benefits," said the Prime Minister.


At the press conference following the Government's session, Prime Minister Pahor answered the question about recent developments concerning the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant, Unit 6. He said that he continued to support the decision on Unit 6, because Slovenia must not be left without energy sovereignty, but we have to bear in mind that the investment involved amounts to approximately EUR 1.2 billion. The Government must be absolutely sure that the people who manage this huge project do so in a cost-effective, transparent and efficient manner. Prime Minister added that he was sure that the decision to replace the supervisory boards would raise speculations in the public. The Government established the rules on salaries and they must apply to all; if a supervisory board fails to act accordingly, it should be dismissed. "After three of four supervisory boards are dismissed for not doing their home-work, there will be no need to dismiss the fifth and the sixth," concluded Prime Minister Pahor.