
Prime Minister Pahor attends the launch of a new paper machine in the Paper Mill Radeče papir

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the launching of a PS5 new paper machine in the Paper Mill Radeče papir and addressed the participants assembled for the ceremony. In his address, the Prime Minister underlined the fact that "the Radeče Paper Mill gives us a positive sign that the Slovenian economy is recovering". Last year, the GDP fell by almost one tenth, however, the situation in the last three months has been encouraging, the economic growth is positive, the unemployment rate is at a manageable level, and the budget for 2011, when adopted by the National Assembly, will yield a manageable deficit.


Mr Pahor added that in times of economic crisis the Government had increased by almost 44 percent the funds for social cohesion. This was done because the Government was aware of the fact that a severe decline of the standard of living would affect people’s hopes and expectations in a time when key projects were being drafted. "Our goal was to strengthen the economy which is the basis for long-term social cohesion," said the Prime Minister, adding that "the Slovenian economy is steadily recovering, investing in new technologies, and launching new production lines. With confidence and determination we will be able to make this new Slovenia’s story a success. The crisis has brutally disclosed sharp reefs concealed to date under the tide of favourable economic trends. We need to engage in more profound, structural changes, so that potential new crises will never again catch us unprepared", warned the Prime Minister. He added that a dynamic labour market was needed, one that will allow workers to be well paid for their work, and the economy ready to export. "We are capable of achieving all this; but the question is whether we trust each other. We must find a compromise that will open the way to the future. This will bring Slovenia abreast of those EU countries that will be able to move forward with a healthy economy", concluded Prime Minister Pahor.