
Prime Minister Pahor at the opening of the 43rd International Craft Trade Fair MOS 2010: "Entrepreneurs are the main driving force in a battle for a better tomorrow."

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the opening of the 43rd International Craft Trade Fair MOS 2010 in Celje where he also delivered an address. He first stressed that the crisis has not been overcome yet but we are moving in the right direction: "The Government will not take off its working clothes," said Prime Minister Pahor and continued that in some cases foundations had to be repaired in order to make them even stronger. He said that the Slovenian Government took a correct decision to shift from short-term measures to structural reforms and to launch an exit strategy which is now half way to full implementation. "I believe that the Slovenian economy is capable of achieving success in domestic and international markets and that sustainable development is of key importance in this respect," added Prime Minister Pahor and pointed out that in 2009 the Slovenian Government decided to overcome the crisis through a number of priorities because everything cannot be done at the same time; one of the priorities was to establish better conditions for small and medium-size enterprises. Prime Minister Pahor also announced that: "This year's economic growth is not expected to exceed its current level. By the time stable economic growth is achieved, there will be some ups and downs but not as dramatic as in the past."


Of course, there will be no way up unless we believe in ourselves, help each other and work for Slovenia as we hope for, said Prime Minister Pahor and continued: "We hope for a well regulated and green country, for a safe country in terms of legal, social and economic climate. If we ourselves do not believe in this, no one else will." He stressed that representatives of small and medium-size enterprise are the main driving force in this battle: "If not you, who will help build self-confidence and hope to get through future challenges and become winners of the crisis into which Slovenia has been pulled."


Prime Minister Pahor went on to briefly outline the measures to solve small and medium-size enterprises adopted by the Government as an action plan in May this year; its priorities relate to a better responsiveness of public administration and reduction of administrative barriers; it also proposes solutions for payment indiscipline and liquidity problems which are to be addressed by two amendments, namely to the Execution of Judgements in Civil Matters Act, which would ensure earlier payment of claims and repayment of creditors, and to the Financial Operations Act, which would provide a new impetus to businesses run by fair entrepreneurs. In order to accelerate development and growth of companies, the Government has adopted amendments which enable better regulation in the area of taxes and some regulations facilitating environment-friendly energy use. "The national energy programme aims at promoting installations and systems for increased use and production of green energy," said Prime Minister Pahor.


At the close of his address, Prime Minister Pahor announced that the Government would do everything in its power to see this Christmas as we had wished in the past year: "We have ambitious plans for 2011 and 2012 and we will not be able to realise those plans without good cooperation with the Chambers of Crafts and with successful small and medium-size enterprises. I hope that the next year we will see a fresh wind blowing through Slovenian companies, bearing fruit of our and your endeavours."