
Prime Minister Borut Pahor attends the 16th meeting of Slovenian diplomats: "Without good international connections we cannot be among the best"

Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia attended the 16th annual reception for Slovenian diplomats at Brdo pri Kranju. In his address to the diplomats assembled for this occasion, Prime Minister Pahor expressed his belief that Slovenia should make every possible effort to place itself on the world map in the circle of the countries, in which we want to see it.  "And it is the Slovenian diplomacy that should make an important contribution on this difficult path, because without good international connections and friendly relations with other countries this aim cannot be achieved", further stressed Prime Minister Pahor.


In this respect, he also drew attention to Slovenia's contribution and its influence within the framework of its international activities in the Western Balkans, and added: "This is what the world expects from us, since we are the most stable part in this region and therefore cannot afford to miss the opportunities we are given." Today, Slovenia is accepted by other countries as an equal political player, which also results from the fact that we devote a great deal of attention to the establishment of basic political and economic contacts. "During the current crisis, it is even more important to establish economic ties, it is in fact inevitable," said Prime Minister Pahor and also announced today's visit to Libya and his attendance at the Libyan state celebration in the spirit of friendly relations between the two countries. Prime Minister Pahor went on to say that Slovenia has a small, but open and flexible economy. He therefore expects the Slovenian diplomacy to be successful in using, as best as possible, the available potential and our comparative advantages.  He further noted that in these hard times characterised by limited resources, we should also take advantage of the sponsorship economy, but at the same time reduce costs of classical diplomacy. At the close of his address, the Slovenian Prime Minister thanked all Slovenian representatives abroad for their efforts and good work in the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Slovenia around the world.