
Prime Minister Borut Pahor hosts the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, on an official visit at Brdo

Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today at Brdo pri Kranju hosted the President of the European Council (EC) Herman Van Rompuy, who was paying an official visit. The EC President Herman Van Rompuy visited Slovenia ahead of his tour of the Western Balkans. The main topic of the meeting between Mr Pahor and his guest was the exchange of positions regarding the situation in the Western Balkans and of views on the functioning of the European Union under the new Lisbon Treaty.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


During the talks between the two delegations, the Slovenian Prime Minister first pointed out that the EC President Herman Van Rompuy was coming to the Western Balkans at the right time, and that he was pleased to share with him Slovenia’s views of the situation in the region, of the continuation of the Brdo Process and of the role of the European Union in the Western Balkans. Prime Minister Pahor outlined to his guest the political situation in the Western Balkan countries and some of its specific features. Mr Pahor particularly emphasized the outstanding importance of the Brdo Process that will continue tomorrow with a meeting of transport ministers in Croatia.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


Mr Van Rompuy thanked for the reception and welcomed the efforts of the Slovenian Prime Minister to strengthen cooperation in the region. He pointed out that he shared the opinion on regional cooperation and European perspective being the main solution for the Western Balkans and thanked Mr Pahor for the initiative and launching of the Brdo Process.


In his press release, Prime Minister Pahor said that he welcomed the decision of the EC President Van Rompuy to stop and consult in Slovenia ahead of his tour, because Slovenia can offer to the European Council and European Union its knowledge and experience of the Western Balkan countries and good relations with all their leaders. Mr Pahor also said that he and Mr Van Rompuy were pleased to establish that the manner of resolving the border issue between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia may bring “relief and become an example, perhaps even an impetus for other countries in the region” to resolve their numerous bilateral open issues amicably. The President of the European Council commended again the agreement reached on the border issue between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia, which in his opinion represented a model resolution of open issues in a European spirit.


In his statement, Mr Van Rompuy pointed out that the discussions with the Slovenian Prime Minister were very constructive and clarified that he brought three messages to the region: the future of the West Balkans lies in Euro-Atlantic integrations, both internal and regional efforts must be made in order to achieve smooth transition, and peace, stability and negotiations when looking for solutions are of the utmost importance.”


The EC President and the Slovenian Prime Minister also talked about the recent events in Kosovo. Mr Pahor said that it was still not certain whether the events in northern Kosovo were isolated incidents or a part of a consistent policy, adding that Slovenia would make efforts for dialogue to prevail. Mr Van Rompuy also stressed that he condemned any violence and called for stability and dialogue.