
Prime Minister Pahor attends the gala ceremony of the 430th anniversary of the Stud Farm Lipica

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the gala ceremony on the occasion of the 430th anniversary of the Stud Farm Lipica. In his address, Prime Minister Pahor stressed that the Lipizzaner is an emblem of Slovenia representing Slovenian sovereignty, self-confidence and pride: “It is most essential that we preserve the Lipizzaner breed and ensure an appropriate area for its development”. 


(Photo: Matej Leskovšek/STA)


Prime Minister Pahor continued by stressing that Lipica represents a rich natural and cultural heritage, which obliges us that, at this turning point, we take all necessary steps to preserve the pride in the Lipizzaner. Pahor also drew attention to the need to upgrade tourist infrastructure, which will enable visitors to stay in Lipica longer. Prime Minister Pahor said that with assistance of political and professional public the story of the Lipica Stud Farm will maintain the main role of the Lipizzaner and attract interest among visitors.