
Prime Minister Pahor makes address to participants of Global Russia Business Meeting

The Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor today attended the opening of the international conference "Global Russia Business Meeting", one of the most important global business conferences whose initiator is the independent international organisation Horasis. This conference, taking place from 16 to 18 May and being attended by a number of Russian economic analysts and businessmen, will be dedicated to Slovenia's economic relation with Russia. At today’s formal dinner, Mr Pahor addressed the participants assembled for this occasion.


(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


In his address he said that Russia is also faced with the financial and economic crisis. It is therefore all the more important that the two countries cooperate in overcoming the current situation. Prime Minister Pahor went on to say that Slovenia had been seriously hit by the crisis. However, the most recent social and economic indicators show that in spite of its impact, Slovenia is nevertheless on its way to recovery. He then stressed that "Slovenia is currently among the most successful EU countries, as we have opted for a well-weighed balance between desire for higher competitiveness and the maintenance of social security." The Slovenian Prime Minister went on to emphasise that Slovenia, in addition to its EU membership, would soon become a member of OECD. This is a further proof of the country's stability and of a solid environment for investments. However, it is quite important that Slovenia, on the one hand, increases the number of foreign investments and, on the other hand, makes appropriate efforts to expand investments of Slovenian companies abroad, particularly in Russia. "Alone, we cannot become victors, but in the company of the best, we can nevertheless be victorious," added Prime Minister Pahor.