
Prime Minister Pahor visits Železniki

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, accompanied by the Minister of Defence, Dr Ljubica Jelušič, and the the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Dr Roko Žarnić, today paid a visit to the town of Železniki, which was devastated by floods three years ago. Together with municipal leaders, they were acquainted with the rehabilitation work; they also talked about the ways to speed up the rehabilitation and bring life in the municipality back on its normal tracks. The Mayor of Železniki particularly highlighted the rehabilitation issues with respect to the national road to Davča, completely devastated by torrential flooding.


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


The Prime Minister agreed with the Mayor that the existing time schedule for the rehabilitation was not acceptable and promised to speak with Transport Minister Vlačič before adopting the supplementary budget. Together they will endeavour to ensure that downsizing of investments this year would not affect certain priority roads. Today’s visit has thus resulted in an agreement that “the Mayor and his team will prepare the list of three to four priority tasks which I will present to the competent ministers so as to ensure their implementation within one year," added Prime Minister Pahor.